Troubleshoot Create or update distribution in lightsail


Hello All I ask permission to ask, I have a problem when creating this Create Distribution, how do I fix it so I can create a Distribution.


Sorry, your account can not create or update distribution in lightsail. Please contact Customer Support
 if you need to use lightsail distribution service.


Have you ever found an error like mine. If found you can give instructions to fix this. Enter image description here

Thank You Taufiq Setiawan

1 réponse
Réponse acceptée

This might be due to an account level issue. Please reach out to AWS Billing and Accounts team via the Support console. This can only be resolved with their involvement.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a un an
  • Hello Harshavardhan_G

    I have to talk to AWS support, so they understand my problems.

    I have provided photos and video screens to aws support.

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