aws m4.xlarge unreachable in aws controls, changing type to m5 solves the situation


my m4.xlarge instance in ireland all of a sudden became unreachable, after all sorts of repairs and snapshots old and new that led to no change whatsoever, I change the type of the instance to m5 to see if I can connect to the console, and all of sudden everything comes back to normal. instance has never been m5. anybody has any ideas?

demandé il y a 2 ans347 vues
1 réponse


Thank you for reaching out on this use case. Although, the details of the error seen or why the instance was not reachable is not clear on the query but here are common causes of the issue.


M4.xlarge Instance type generally uses Intel 82599 VF interface for networking and PV drivers for storage while M5.xx Instance types uses ENA for networking and NVMe for storage performance. - See Network performance and Instance features respectively.

Usually driver corruption can occur on the OS hence, leading to this issues. AWS on default preinstall most of this drivers on the AMI which explains why changing it to M5 works.

M5 instances are Nitro Instances while M4.xlarge are PV/HVM instances. They have different drivers requirements


To resolve this, kindly perform the following actions below:

If you encounter an issue, feel free to reach out to AWS Premium Support

répondu il y a 2 ans

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