Assistance Needed: Data Transfer from AWS IoT Core to Timestream


Hi Team,

I hope you're doing well. I'm facing an issue with pushing data from AWS IoT Core to Timestream. Despite having data available in the MQTT test console, I'm unable to successfully route it to Timestream.

Could you please provide some guidance or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue? I've checked the setup of the rule in AWS IoT Core and the configuration of the database and table in Timestream, but data is still not being pushed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support.

2 réponses

Hi, Please check this video.

répondu il y a un mois

@houda, the issue could be in 1/ in the IoT Core rule's select query 2/ IAM permission for IoT Core to be able to write to TimeStream DB. Please verify these two areas.

répondu il y a un mois

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