Cloud Quest: Solution Architect Role


I am having difficulty with a lab in cloud quest for the Solution Architect role. I can't figure out this python code change. Its under serverless foundations for a lambda function. Would anyone be able to help or has done this before?

demandé il y a un an738 vues
3 réponses

Hi Julian,

There's two different sections of the code you'll need to look at - the first is the if-else section. As an example, I'd start with updating the first statement to something like this:

    if emoji_type == 0:
        # Only execute if id is equal to 1
        # The variable custom_message combines "Message for code 0:" string with the variable message
        feeling = "positive"
        custom_message = "Message for code 0: " + message

This adds the feeling variable. Do this for the neutral and negative feelings in the else and elif sections as well.

Secondly, we need to modify the response the Lambda is returning which is this section here:

    response = {
        # In this name-value pair, the literal value "message" will store the value of the variable custom_message.
        "message": message,
        # In this name-value pair, the literal value "id" will store the value of the variable id.
        "custom_message": custom_message,

Rather than "custom_message": custom_message try replacing it with:

"feeling": feeling,

Hope this helps! Jason

répondu il y a un an

Hi Guys,

has this solution worked for anyone? i'm still getting syntax error as soon as I add that code, I'm now stuck on 96% because this code... can you assist?

répondu il y a un an
  • good afternoon all,

    I have been working on this for several hours now and glad that someone else as commented. Unfortunately this exercise is not very intuitive for people who don't have much or any Python knowledge. Trying the above advice now to see if that works...

  • deloyed and test with the suggested code from Julian and it worked. I think this exercise could have been worded better for those of us non-programmers.


Hi Julian, This code worked for me.

Runtime: Python 3.8

Please review the comments for each code block to help you understand the execution of this Lambda function.

At the time you create a Lambda function, you specify a handler,

which is a function in your code, that AWS Lambda can invoke when the service executes your code.

The Lambda handler is the first function that executes in your code.

Python programming model -

def lambda_handler(event, context):

# context – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to provide runtime information to your handler.
# event – AWS Lambda uses this parameter to pass in event data to the handler. This parameter is usually of the Python dict type.
# AWS Lambda function Python handler -

# When you invoke your Lambda function you can determine the content and structure of the event. 
# When an AWS service invokes your function, the event structure varies by service.
# In this lab, the lambda_handler "event" parameter has the following structure of name/value pairs:
# {
#     "emoji_type": number,
#     "message": "string"
# }
# In a name-value pair you can extract the "value" of the pair using the "name" of the pair.   
# Here the id value is extracted from the event Lambda parameter and passed to a variable called emoji_type.
emoji_type = event["emoji_type"]
#feeling = event["feeling"]
# Here the message value is extracted from the event Lambda parameter and passed to a variable called message.
message = event["message"]

# The variables are printed here, which means the variable values will be displayed in CloudWatch logs and the Execution Results panel.

# In Python, you can create a variable with no value using the Built-in constant None. This means the variable "custom_message" currently has no value.
custom_message = None

# In Python, we use the if-elif-else to create a conditional execution.
# That is, if the value of emoji_type is equal to 0, we execute the statement inside its block
if emoji_type == 0:
    # Only execute if id is equal to 1
    # The variable custom_message combines "Message for code 0:" string with the variable message
    feeling = "positive"
    custom_message = "positive" + message

elif emoji_type == 1:
    # The variable custom_message combines "Message for code 1:" string with the variable message
    feeling = "neutral"
    custom_message = "neutral" + message
elif emoji_type == 2:
    # The variable custom_message combines "Message for code 1:" string with the variable message
    feeling = "negative"
    custom_message = "negative" + message
    # The variable custom_message combines "Message for all other codes:" string with the variable message
    feeling = "I love the park"        
# Optionally, the handler can return a value. What happens to the returned value depends on the invocation type you use when invoking the Lambda function
# In this lab we use synchronous execution, so we need to create a response for the lambda function.
# We created a "response" variable that has a structure of name-value pairs using the id and custom_message created earlier.
response = {
    # In this name-value pair, the literal value "message" will store the value of the variable custom_message.
    "message": message,
    # In this name-value pair, the literal value "id" will store the value of the variable id.
    "feeling": feeling,

# Finally, we return the values from response variable to the caller, which could be a test event or an AWS service performing a synchronous call.
# The execution of the lambda function is finished.
return response
répondu il y a 10 mois

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