DynamoDB PartiQL vs. Scan



Is there a rule for the PartiQL queries on DynamoDB Sort Keys (e.g. indexes on SK) ?
The below query does not return anything from Table1 with Sort Key Table1SK and with condition on SK, while a scan on same table with filter 'level1#level2#level3#' on SK, returns records.

select Table1SK
from Table1
where begins_with("Table1SK", 'level1#level2#level3#')

Thank you,
Mihai ADAM

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demandé il y a 3 mois225 vues
1 réponse

To correctly query using PartiQL, ensure you include the partition key:

FROM Table1
WHERE Table1PK = 'somePartitionKey' AND begins_with(Table1SK, 'level1#level2#level3#')

Here, Table1PK should be replaced with the actual partition key attribute name and 'somePartitionKey' with the specific partition key value you want to query.

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répondu il y a 3 mois
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vérifié il y a 3 mois
  • Hi,

    Can the query be like below, or if multiple PKs needed, the only choice is to use few, with IN, OR clauses :

    SELECT Table1SK FROM Table1 WHERE begins_with(Table1PK, 'somePartition') AND begins_with(Table1SK, 'level1#level2#level3#')

    Thank you, Mihai ADAM

  • I'm not sure

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