My developer is unable to access my s3 bucket due to a disabled region (how can he enable this region)


My developer continually receives this message when he tries to access our S3 bucket:

error message when accessing bucket

When checking regions we have found that the region of the bucket Cape Town (Africa) is disabled for him. region disabled

I created a policy for him to be able to enable/disable regions:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:EnableRegion", "ec2:DisableRegion" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

But when he goes to the drop down and selects Manage regions, he gets taken to this page:

Enter image description here

Which leads to a request to upload cc info etc.

Other permissions given:

  • FullS3Access
  • MultiRegion Access

Please help!

1 réponse

Are you talking about 2 different AWS accounts because regions are enabled at the account level and not for individual IAM users?

répondu il y a un an
  • It's 1 AWS account. That's what I thought but somehow I have Africa (Cape Town) enabled and my developer, when logging into the same account, doesn't have that region enabled.

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