Live migration in EC2 (vMotion in VMware)


Is it possible to do livemigration (equivalent to vMotion in VMware) of EC2, between physical servers? I found an article that says it is possible in GCP.

We are checking from two perspectives. (1) Can the EC2 administrator perform livemigration at any given time (I couldn't find anything about it in the documentation, so I assume it is not possible) (2) Does AWS person move EC2 to another physical server on its own when, for example, the physical server is about to break down?

I use the term "livemigration" to mean "moving a virtual machine running in a server virtualization environment entirely to another physical server without stopping the OS or applications.

demandé il y a 2 ans1193 vues
3 réponses
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VMWare Cloud on AWS supports this, but EC2 does not. There are methods, mechanisms, and best practices for providing high availability provided in the AWS Well-Architected Reliability Pillar.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans

Traditional Virtualization: In this model, you have physical servers where hypervisors create virtual machines (VMs). Live migration involves moving a VM from one physical server to another without downtime. EC2: This is a managed service where AWS handles the underlying infrastructure. You don't have direct control over the physical servers. EC2 instances are virtual machines, but they are managed by AWS in a highly abstracted way.

Can the EC2 administrator perform live migration at any given time?

No. EC2 administrators do not have the capability to initiate live migration as you would in a traditional virtualization environment. AWS manages the underlying infrastructure and instance placement.

if you have HA requirments - AWS handles instance placement and will move instances to ensure uptime and optimal performance.

répondu il y a un mois

Thank you very much.
I will peruse the links to the documents you provided.

répondu il y a 2 ans

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