S3 connection to Snowflake



I've been trying to connect s3 to Snowflake using storage integration, however, there is a policy in the s3 about the user that I cannot see how to modify to give access to the Snowflake user to alter this bucket. I followed the next configuration https://snowflakewiki.medium.com/connecting-snowflake-to-aws-ef7b6de1d6aa and it worked when no policy exists in the S3 bucket. However, I would like to ask how to add user access to the bucket to accept the Snowflake user because I'm getting this error from Snowflake when I try to create an external table:

Failure using stage area. Cause: [Access Denied (Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied)]

  • Are you asking for s3 bucket policy?

demandé il y a 3 mois172 vues
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The correct and recommended way for granting Snowflake access to your S3 bucket is explained, along with policy examples, in this documentation article: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-load-s3-config-storage-integration

I suggest using the official documentation instead of third-party blog posts.

We're using this mechanism in my organisation, and it's both secure and easy to set up.

Leo K
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