Adding Captions to MP4



I'm trying to add captions from an SRT file, to be emebedded into an MP4 (AVC).

However I get the following error:
Media target [1] cannot convert non-EIA-608 to EIA-608 (invalid conversion from SRT to Embedded attempted)

How do I get this to work?

As far as I'm aware, H.264 should support embeded captions by embedding caption data into the Supplemental Enhancement Information of the H.264 data stream.

Many Thanks,

demandé il y a 4 ans805 vues
2 réponses

Hi there,

You are correct in how MediaConvert inserts embedded 608 and 708 into a video bitstream. However, at this time SRT captions to embedded is not support for MP4 containers, only Burn-In captions are. [1]

If you had an SCC caption file as your input source, you could use embedded captions in this workflow.


== Resources ==

répondu il y a 4 ans

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the reply, as suggested I converted the SRT captions to SCC and the captions were encoded as expected.

Many Thanks,

répondu il y a 4 ans

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