Removing Hudi jars from EMR Serverless Image


Hi Team,

We are using emr serverless image v7.0.0.0 for data ingestion activities. However, this image has hudi-related jars that have a few vulnerabilities. is it possible to remove these jars from the image, what would be the impact of eliminating them for normal spark-related jobs? right now we are not using hudi tables.

demandé il y a un mois45 vues
1 réponse


Thank you for writing on re:Post.

I see that you want to know about the vulnerabilities present in the Hudi jar that comes with EMR 7.0 Serverless image. I would like to inform you that EMR team is aware of the Vulnerabilities and working with Hudi to remove it from the upcoming fresh images.

However as you do not use Hudi, you can remove the Jars/using custom Images please follow document [+] to setup custom image and in the docker file remove dependency like

# Dockerfile

USER root

RUN rm -r /usr/lib/hudi/hudi-aws-bundle-0.14.0-amzn-1.jar \ 

# EMRS will run the image as hadoop
USER hadoop:hadoop


You can test this on your setup. Feel free to reach back for further queries.

I hope I was able to address your query.

Thank you!

répondu il y a un mois

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