EC2 instance types T2, M4, R4: are they getting close to end-of-life?


AWS announced end-of-life date for instance types t2, m4 and r4 affecting may RDS services at the end of March 2024.

Can we expect a similar announcement for EC2 instances? How instance type lifecycle usually works with EC2?

Thank you.

demandé il y a 3 mois947 vues
3 réponses
Réponse acceptée

For those instance types, we're going to keep them available on Amazon EC2 through Xen-on-Nitro, with having them backed by newer hardware.

For more info:

répondu il y a 3 mois
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vérifié il y a 3 mois
  • That's a great news! Thank you for the link


For detailed information on the process and implications of instance retirement, please refer to the following resource: Understanding Instance Retirement on AWS.

Additional Scheduled events for your instances

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répondu il y a 3 mois
  • So, there is no specific date to end support for older instance type, they are retired gradually and we are only notified through scheduled events?

  • Indeed, you'll have the opportunity to witness an event similar to this, along with the date it will come into effect: Event


Hi, Is there any official documentation available for planned instance types (t2.micro, t2.medium, ...) end of life (retirement)? Thanks

répondu il y a un mois

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