Change Instance Type option is not available/greyed out from Actions menu when I stop my instance


I am following the instructions to change my instance type. When I stop my instance, it says that I should be able to select "Change Instance Type" from the Actions / Instance Settings menu, however this option is greyed out! I really need to upgrade my instance type to the recommendations from AWS Compute Optimizer

demandé il y a un an702 vues
2 réponses

Hi Anita, Could you provide more details? What's the instance type and what's the recommendation from Compute Optimizer? Can you verify if hibernation is enabled on the instance Follow the below steps: Select the instance and, on the Details tab, in the Instance details section, inspect Stop-hibernate behavior. Enabled indicates that the instance is enabled for hibernation

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There are a few considerations for when instance types cannot be changed that will need to be consider which Compute Optimizer may not account for:

  1. You cannot change the size of a "Spot Instance".
  2. The instance is in a hibernated state.
  3. The instance is backed by an instance store.

If your instance does not meet the above criteria or others mentioned in the relevant documentation and you have selected it when navigating to "Actions / Instance settings" then please feel free to reach out to AWS Support if available with the relevant instance ID for further investigation.

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