Instance Reachability continously fails


Hi, my Amazon Linus t3.micro instances always fail after about 2 days. The test that usually fails is the 'Instance reachability check'. This has been going on for a few months. I always just create a new instance. All options are set as their defaults except that I create a Key pair. When this check fails I can't connect to the instance and my programme that is running on the instance stops. I am launching the instance in af-south-1.

demandé il y a 9 mois201 vues
2 réponses


Isn't the load increasing due to the effects of programs running on the instance?
Are there any problems with CPU usage, memory usage, or free disk space?
If there are problems with these, the EC2 status check may fail.

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répondu il y a 9 mois

Hi, the programme is a basic webscraper and isn't storing much information so that shouldn't be a problem. It also used to give me this error when I had the programme store nothing at all. CPU usage is at 2% although I do see there was a spike to around 48% around the time that the check first failed. The volume status says okay. I dont' see any errors in the system log. I'm not sure what other fields I should check?

répondu il y a 9 mois

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