Terrain Editor in Lumberyard 1.27 is missing


A little feedback first: The editor feels stable now. I haven't experience crashes at all and it is so smooth and light to use as if I am using Blender (I am also using Cryengine so I can feel the difference). The building of Gems are pretty easy now but I still do it through command prompt because I just want to see the progress (this is just my own preference). I love this landscape canvas. However..

The issue: I can't figure out where is the Terrain Editor in 1.27. Can anyone help me with this. REMOVEDUPLOAD REMOVEDUPLOAD REMOVEDUPLOAD Some icons are also missing. REMOVEDUPLOAD

demandé il y a 3 ans188 vues
6 réponses
Réponse acceptée

You have the new viewport option enabled. You have to disable that in the general settings.

répondu il y a 3 ans

Thank you. I hope they have road map. This engine is so smooth with this version. Just another question. Can I paint vegetation through terrain tool and make an entity out of it? Or the only option is to save it as vegetation. REMOVEDUPLOAD

répondu il y a 3 ans


répondu il y a 3 ans

Not to my knowledge. You can, however, use the vegetation components and new landscape system but that's for dynamic vegetation and there's no painting. It's all procedural.

répondu il y a 3 ans

I already tried that. Thanks again.

répondu il y a 3 ans




In either case, you can try out this code and see if it works for your use case: Edit dev/Code/Sandbox/Editor/VegetationPanel.cpp

Import a bunch more headers (probably don't need all of these)

#include <AzToolsFramework/API/EditorVegetationRequestsBus.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/Entity/EditorEntityContextBus.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/API/EntityCompositionRequestBus.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/ToolsComponents/TransformComponent.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/PropertyTreeEditor/PropertyTreeEditor.h>
#include <AzToolsFramework/Slice/SliceUtilities.h> //probly dont need this
#include <AzToolsFramework/Slice/SliceTransaction.h> // probly don't need this
#include <LmbrCentral/Rendering/MeshAsset.h>
#include <LmbrCentral/Rendering/MeshComponentBus.h>

Add a new entry to the right-click context menu on line 684


Add a menu action on line 1754

CreateMenuAction(m_menu, tr("Export Entities"), VEGETATION_MENU_EXPORT_ENTITIES);

Add the functionality that converts vegetation meshes to entities & components on line 1833

        using namespace AzToolsFramework;

        Selection objects;
        if (objects.empty())
            QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Select Objects for Export"), tr("Please select some vegetation objects to export to entities"));

        std::vector<CVegetationInstance*> vegetationInstances;

        auto* console = GetISystem()->GetIConsole();
        AZ_Assert(console, "ISystem or IConsole are invalid");
        auto* viewDistMinCVar = console->GetCVar("e_ViewDistMin");
        float viewDistMin = viewDistMinCVar->GetFVal();

        auto* viewDistRatioVegetationCVar = console->GetCVar("e_ViewDistRatioVegetation");
        float viewDistRatioVegetation = viewDistRatioVegetationCVar->GetFVal();

        for (const auto& vegetation : vegetationInstances)
            bool shouldExportInstance = false;
            for (CVegetationObject* vegetationObject : objects)
                if (vegetation->object == vegetationObject)
                    shouldExportInstance = true;

            if (!shouldExportInstance)

            QString vegFileName = vegetation->object->GetFileName();

            // get the vegetation mesh asset
            AZ::Data::AssetId meshId;
            AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(meshId, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequests::GetAssetIdByPath, vegFileName.toUtf8().data(), AZ::Data::s_invalidAssetType, false);
            if (!meshId.IsValid())

            // vegetation scale is limited to scale of size 4 because of how it is stored in veg system
            float vegScale = AZStd::clamp<float>(vegetation->scale, 0.1, 4.0);
            float angle = vegetation->angle;

            AZStd::string instanceName(vegFileName.toLatin1().data());
            //AZStd::transform(instanceName.begin(), instanceName.end(), instanceName.begin(), ::tolower);
            //const AZStd::string entityName = AZStd::string::format("%s_%d", instanceName.c_str(), instanceCount);

            AZ::EntityId newEntityId;
            EditorEntityContextRequestBus::BroadcastResult(newEntityId, &EditorEntityContextRequests::CreateNewEditorEntity, instanceName.c_str());

            const AZ::Uuid editorMeshComponentUuid("{FC315B86-3280-4D03-B4F0-5553D7D08432}");
            EntityCompositionRequests::AddComponentsOutcome outcome = AZ::Failure(AZStd::string("Failed to add MeshComponent"));
            EntityCompositionRequestBus::BroadcastResult(outcome, &EntityCompositionRequests::AddComponentsToEntities, EntityIdList{ newEntityId }, AZ::ComponentTypeList{ editorMeshComponentUuid });
            if (outcome.IsSuccess())
                // Assign mesh asset.
                LmbrCentral::MeshComponentRequestBus::Event(newEntityId, &LmbrCentral::MeshComponentRequests::SetMeshAsset, meshId);

                Matrix34 tm;
                if (!vegetation->pRenderNode || !vegetation->pRenderNode->GetEntityStatObj(0, 0, &tm))
                    // GetEntityStatObj is the only reliable way to get the correct transform
                    // this fallback method may have issues

                    // this precision loss is intended to mimic what the vegetation system does
                    const uint8 x = RAD2BYTE(vegetation->angleX);
                    const uint8 y = RAD2BYTE(vegetation->angleY);
                    const uint8 z = RAD2BYTE(vegetation->angle);
                    const float fx = BYTE2RAD(x);
                    const float fy = BYTE2RAD(y);
                    const float fz = BYTE2RAD(z);
                    tm = Matrix34::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(fx, fy, fz));

                    if (vegScale != 1.0f)
                        Matrix33 m33;
                        m33.SetScale(Vec3(vegScale, vegScale, vegScale));
                        tm = m33 * tm;


                // Move entity to same transform.
                AZ::TransformBus::Event(newEntityId, &AZ::TransformInterface::SetWorldTM, LYTransformToAZTransform(tm));
                AZ_WarningOnce("Editor", false, "Vegetation category %s could not be converted because mesh component could not be created.", vegetation->object->GetCategory().toUtf8().data());
répondu il y a 3 ans

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