Service Connect Elastic Container Service versus VPC Lattice


The two services ECS Service Connect and VPC Lattice appear to be similar. Wondering the distinction and what makes sense where for ECS workloads?

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ECS Service Connect is specific for Amazon Elastic Container Service providing a simplified approach for service discovery, traffic resilience and observability out of the box. The customers will need to have networking knowledge of VPC peering for any cross-VPC deployments as ECS Service Connect does not handle any of the underlying network connectivity. ECS Service Connect does not use VPC Lattice under the hood. Whereas VPC Lattice is a way to automate connecting cross-account, cross-VPC microservices that are distributed across Kubernetes, native EC2/ASG and serverless environments eg Lambda, Fargate without needing any prior VPC networking experience. VPC Lattice provides fully automated VPC and inter-VPC networking without the need for sidecars, proxies. There is a roadmap item to integrate Amazon ECS with VPC Lattice with advanced features like authentication and authorization. At this time, you can configure ECS tasks in VPC Lattice as a service with a workaround and have an ALB/NLB as the target

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