Can't save file on EC2 created by elastic beanstalk


I have created an environment on elastic beanstalk. I have to save file on Ec2 Instance created by elastic beanstalk. Each time I deploy my war file to Elastic beanstalk. The file save by me on EC2 instance gets deleted. What is the solution to prevent the file not to be deleted after deployment.

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2 réponses


Does this mean that the files included in the application bundle will disappear?

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Elastic Beanstalk instances are ephemeral - they can be replaced during deployments and other changes. You should never save files outside of the application bundles to them.

You should use other forms of persistent storage. To learn how to persist your data in Elastic Beanstalk - please read the section "Persistent Storage" in the Elastic Beanstalk Design Considerations documentation.

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