Bedrock: why do no models appear from the dropdown?


Hello- I'm trying to experiment with the Bedrock Chat playground. I was granted access to the "Titan Embeddings G1 - Text" model from Amazon. When I'm in the playground, I select Amazon from the first dropdown but when I go to select a specific model, nothing appears. What am I missing?

2 réponses

Hi Daniel, the reason why "Titan Embeddings G1 - Text" is not available in the chat playground is because "Embeddings" models are different from "Text" models, and therefore, they are not displayed in the chat playground.

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répondu il y a 8 mois

To gain access to models such as Titan Image Generator G1, within Bedrock, first select "Model accesss" (way down the bottom in the right menu options), then "Manage Model Access". Select the model/s you want access to and 'Save Changes'. Access to the Titan models at least is instantly granted.

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