PhpMyAdmin table export on Amazon Lightsale


Hello, I have issues with table export from PhpMyAdmin on the Amazon Lightsale instance. I have access to my website database PhpMyAdmin through Local Host and until yesterday I was normally downloading databases and uploading new ones, but since yesterday I can't download them in any of the browsers. I can normally execute all commands and everything working fine except data export any advice is welcome.

I have few other servers and database or table export is normally working.

1 réponse

G'day. Couple of questions/pointers:

  1. Are you running the database in your instance container, or as a separate Lightsail Database? (going to assume separate)
  2. Check whether or not public access via port 3306 is enabled?
  3. Try to use an external client such as MySQL workbench or similar - does that work?
  4. Check if any endpoints have changed.
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répondu il y a 2 ans

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