fpga-load-local-image produces "(12) cl-id-mismatch"


Hi there,
Once I try to load my local image, I obtain the following error:
$ sudo fpga-load-local-image -S 0 -I agfi-0c5a45f4871941614
Error: (12) cl-id-mismatch
The vendor and device ID presented by the CL did not match expected
values provided at ingestion time.

The clear request runs successfully before loading.
$ sudo fpga-clear-local-image -S 0
AFI 0 none cleared 1 ok 0 0x04261818
AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x1042 0000:00:1d.0

Describe request after failed load attempt is the following:
$ sudo fpga-describe-local-image -S 0 -H
Type FpgaImageSlot FpgaImageId StatusName StatusCode ErrorName ErrorCode ShVersion
AFI 0 none load-failed 7 cl-id-mismatch 12 0x04261818
Type FpgaImageSlot VendorId DeviceId DBDF
AFIDEVICE 0 0x1d0f 0x1042 0000:00:1d.0

What am I missing here? How can I resolve this issue?

demandé il y a 4 ans241 vues
1 réponse

This was a duplicate of another question I asked.

répondu il y a 4 ans

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