Does Lightsail offer unlimited mode EC2 burstable instances?


My understanding is that all lightsail instances are burstable CPU instance types. Normal EC2 burstable instances can be launched in unlimited mode for workloads that require high CPU at times and would prefer to pay for overages rather than get slowed down. Is this possible in Lightsail or would one have to move the instances into normal EC2/EBS deployments?

It's unclear if account-level default credit specifications apply to Lightsail instances, although I'd assume not.

demandé il y a 2 ans498 vues
1 réponse

Hi, @Simon.

Unfortunately, you cannot use Unlimited mode with Lightsail.

It's a best practice to monitor your burst capacity in Lightsail.

You can use Unlimited mode on EC2 by restoring a snapshot to EC2.

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répondu il y a 2 ans
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vérifié il y a 2 ans

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