Demo: How to build a GenAI chatbot for Retail


Hi AWS guys,

I have a project that require a short demo to build a GenAI chatbot for retail. Actually, I am new for this area so I would like to get some instruction from you. Could you please send me some detail guidance or hands on lab to build the AI chatbot in AWS to interact with customers question?

I hope to hear your response soon.

Thanks, Steven

2 réponses
Réponse acceptée

Apart from the resource Rama has pointed out above, you can also visit

It has implementation guide to you through solution. Good luck!

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répondu il y a un mois
  • Thanks SriniV



You may want to try this workshop. There are a few good customer experience scenarios (Build -> Customer Experience) covered in a hands-on format.

Hope it helps!

Thanks, Rama

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répondu il y a un mois
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  • Thanks Rama

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