How to Detect the Completion of AWS DynamoDB Table Restore Automatically?


I'm dealing with a scenario where restoring an AWS DynamoDB table takes a considerable amount of time and I'm seeking an automated method to detect when the table has successfully transitioned to the ‘Active’ state post-restore.

For instance, suppose I initiate a DynamoDB restore by invoking an AWS Lambda function from Step Functions. How might I code the Step Functios workflow to wait for the restore to complete before proceeding with the next steps in the workflow?

Is there a recommended pattern or best practice to efficiently detect the completion of a DynamoDB table restore, such as utilizing EventBridge, SNS, or any other AWS service?

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Is there a recommended pattern or best practice to efficiently detect the completion of a DynamoDB table restore, such as utilizing EventBridge, SNS, or any other AWS service?

You can use either User Notification or EventBridge rule to detect restore completions from a backup vault.

How might I code the Step Functios workflow to wait for the restore to complete before proceeding with the next steps in the workflow?

You can create an activity state after the restore invocation state, so that your workflows pauses until a signal is send to the activity.

You also create an activity worker with Lambda function, which is invoked by EventBridge or SNS when the backup restore completes. When your activity worker is invoked, it will send signal to the activity and resume your workflow.

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