AWS Textract Connector issue in Mendix


I am getting below error when i am trying to connect from Mendix. Could you please let me know the exact reason.

Caused by: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: Received an UnknownHostException when attempting to interact with a service. See cause for the exact endpoint that is failing to resolve. If this is happening on an endpoint that previously worked, there may be a network connectivity issue or your DNS cache could be storing endpoints for too long. at AmazonTextractConnector.AnalyzeDocument (JavaAction : 'AnalyzeDocument') at MyFirstModule.ACT_AnalyzeDocument (SubMicroflow : 'Analyze Document')

demandé il y a 10 mois222 vues
1 réponse

Hi, it seems that the Textract endpoint that you try to reach is incorrectly specified.

Did you choose one in this list ?

If not, what did you configure as endpoint?



profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 10 mois
  • I used the one of the end point mentioned in the List.

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