Unable to upload Media or Plugins to Fresh Lightsail Bitnami Wordpress Instance


I seem to be losing my mind as when I first setup AWS Lightsail WordPress I never encountered this issue and moved far ahead but now I am unable to upload any kind media or plugin to wordpress even after creating a fresh wordpress Bitnami Instance.

Are there steps that I'm missing? I haven't created an SSL yet as I'm trying to link the instance to an amazon CDN.

Do I have to create a define WP_LIMIT in the wp-config.php file and does it have to be the same as the memory limit in php.ini file?

My permissions seem to be fine, editing those and trying to upload has no effect and I am capable of downloading plugins of the wordpress archive.

Please help!

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1 réponse

Could you describe the issue you are seeing when you try to upload media or install plugin? Is there an error message, or does it get stuck during upload operation? I would also suggest taking a look at the Bitnami's Wordpress Troubleshooting guide: https://docs.bitnami.com/aws/how-to/troubleshoot-wordpress-issues/

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