Update your policies for continued access


Hello, I received an email to Update your policies for continued access to Billing, Cost Management, and Account consoles

I followed instructions from this post https://repost.aws/questions/QUvS-q9ZmZQ-qlNeAwhdN8dg/update-your-policies-for-continued-access-to-billing-cost-management-and-account-consoles

I created a new policy. Do I need to attach it to any entities afterwards? Here are the available entities it allows me to attach it to: AWSBilling IAM Users GlacierUser IAM Users BillingFullAccess User groups GlacierAccess User groups AWSServiceRoleForSupport Roles AWSServiceRoleForTrustedAdvisor Roles

2 réponses
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Hi, You only need to put the new policy to your billing related IAM user or roles. For example, currently the affected IAM policy is attached to two IAM roles as according to https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/poliden/home?region=us-east-1#/. After you have replaced the affected IAM policy with a new one, the new policy needs to be applied to these two IAM roles.

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répondu il y a 8 mois

Yes I received same message and I quickly do as I was directed and immediately I notice change

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répondu il y a 8 mois

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