Why isn't Amazon Linux 2022 available with Gamelift?


The "Comparing Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2022" page at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/linux/al2022/ug/compare-al2-to-AL2022.html says:

Amazon Linux 2022 optimizes boot time to reduce the time from instance launch to running the customer workload.

As such, this would be great for GameLift usage as it takes quite a while to launch instances in my experience. However, when using the AWS CLI to upload a build, the output for the "--operating-system" parameter only allows AMAZON_LINUX, AMAZON_LINUX_2 (and windows). Why is this? When will Amazon Linux 2022 be available with GameLift?

demandé il y a 2 ans382 vues
1 réponse

I suspect this is because AL2022 hasn't been formally released yet (it's available as Release Candidate, but I think this only means AMIs and container images). I was surprised not to see it announced at re:Invent, but they're going to have branding problems if it doesn't come out in the next few weeks. ;)

répondu il y a 2 ans

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