Help With StartMatchmaking (400) Error


I'm using flexmatch to connect players for my game in unity. My ruleset, which is on us-west-2, is basically the same as one of the examples, and as follows (called defaultRuleSet).

"name": "free-for-all",
"ruleLanguageVersion": "1.0",
"playerAttributes": [{
    "name": "skill",
    "type": "number"
"algorithm": {
    "balancedAttribute": "skill",
    "strategy": "balanced",
    "batchingPreference": "largestPopulation"
"teams": [{
    "name": "players",
    "maxPlayers": 200,
    "minPlayers": 30
"rules": [{
    "name": "low-latency",
    "description": "Sets maximum acceptable latency",
    "type": "latency",
    "maxLatency": 150
"expansions": [{
    "target": "rules[low-latency].maxLatency",
    "steps": [{
        "waitTimeSeconds": 12,
        "value": 200
    "target": "teams[players].minPlayers",
    "steps": [{
        "waitTimeSeconds": 10,
        "value": 20
    }, {
        "waitTimeSeconds": 15,
        "value": 10
    }, {
        "waitTimeSeconds": 20,
        "value": 5

When I attempt to start matchmaking, I get a 400 error. My code is as follows:

public void startMatchMaking()
        ticketId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        inMatchMaking = false;

        AttributeValue skill = new AttributeValue
            N = 1.0

        Player player = new Player
            PlayerId = playerId, //already defined, guid
            LatencyInMs = new Dictionary<string, int>{
                { "us-west-2" , 1 }
            PlayerAttributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
                { "skill", skill }

        Debug.Log("Player prepared");
            var mmRequest = new StartMatchmakingRequest();
            mmRequest.Players = new List<Player> { player };
            mmRequest.TicketId = ticketId;
            mmRequest.ConfigurationName = "defaultRuleSet";

//algc defined earlier as aglc = new AmazonGameLiftClient(credentials, config);
            StartMatchmakingResponse mmResponse = aglc.StartMatchmaking(mmRequest);

            inMatchMaking = true;
        catch (InvalidRequestException e)
            Debug.Log(e.StatusCode.ToString() + " :( startMatchMaking FAILED. InvalidRequestException " + e.Message);


Am I missing something obvious? What about this request is wrong? Would appreciate help figuring this out. I thought maybe I had to use the internal name (free-for-all), but ding that does not prevent the error.


demandé il y a 3 ans222 vues
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[quote="kerg, post:1, topic:9893"] defaultRuleSet [/quote]

Thanks for the help, I found a line I had missed in the logged error which specified that the configuration was wrong - I'd been using the ruleset name and not the config name. Silly of me - working now, thanks.

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Whats the error message you get back?

StartMatchmaking will throw a 400 (according to docs) because:


    One or more parameter values in the request are invalid. Correct the invalid parameter values before retrying.

    HTTP Status Code: 400

    A service resource associated with the request could not be found. Clients should not retry such requests.

    HTTP Status Code: 400

    The requested operation is not supported in the Region specified.

    HTTP Status Code: 400

I would try the obvious:

  • Ensure your request is going to us-west-2 and not a us-east-1 (ie did you set the region in config?)
  • Ensure your matchmaker rule set is actually called defaultRuleSet
  • Ensure your credentials have permission to call StartMatchmaking etc.

Knowing actual error will really help track this down.

répondu il y a 3 ans

Just noticed you are catching an InvalidRequestException so it means your passed parameters are wrong.

What does your line Debug.Log(e.StatusCode.ToString() + " :( startMatchMaking FAILED. InvalidRequestException " + e.Message); print?

répondu il y a 3 ans

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