Getting unhealthy service error



I am trying to create my demo ECS service on Farget with public docker image. I tried multiple time but always getting instance unhealthy.

Could you please help me to know where I am doing wrong.

Test data are as follows: cluster name: nginx-demo-cl task defination: nginxdemos-hello service: nginxdemos-hello-SVC LoadBalancer: NginxALB Target Group: nginx-tg Security Group: nginxdemos-sg and nginxdemos-alb-sg docker image: nginxdemos/nginx-hello

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1 réponse


According to the error message, it seems that you are having problems with the health check. Have you read the following Knowledge Center article about How to troubleshoot health check failures for Amazon ECS tasks on Fargate? Your specific error is described and they recommend checking the security group inbound configuration, ping port value or health check grace period, among other steps.

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