DMS : Possibility of using like operator in DMS



We are using DMS for migrating from Oracle to S3. Is there any option to use the 'like' operator in the input table to filter data in Table Mappings?

demandé il y a 8 mois199 vues
1 réponse

Hi there.

There doesn't seem to be such operator. Per the documentation, only the following are available:

  • lte – less than or equal to one value
  • ste – less than or equal to one value (lte alias)
  • gte – greater than or equal to one value
  • eq – equal to one value
  • noteq – not equal to one value
  • between – equal to or between two values
  • notbetween – not equal to or between two values
  • null – NULL values
  • notnull – no NULL values

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 8 mois

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