Error: An account with this username or email does not exist.


I can't log in my wordpress website. I did'nt change my password but it says wrong password. When I try to reset my password I received thatt 'Error: An account with this username or email does not exist.' but it's impossible. How can I solve this? PS: I don't have access to computer that I created the website at the beggining.

2 réponses

Where do you run WordPress?
If you are using Lightsail and bitnami, you can use the method in the following document.
However, this procedure requires that you be able to log in to the server via SSH or other means.

Another method is to restore a new instance from a previously created snapshot.
However, this method cannot be used without creating a snapshot.

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profile pictureAWS
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What you mean by 'Where do you run WordPress?'. I'm not so much familiar with this website thing

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