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Am I correct in understanding that you cannot access the private IP address of EC2 in the public subnet? Or does it mean that the public domain of EC2 is not accessible?
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- AWS OFFICIELA mis à jour il y a 2 ans
- AWS OFFICIELA mis à jour il y a un an
- AWS OFFICIELA mis à jour il y a 2 ans
So, my public domain of EC2 isn't accessible when I'm using client vpn endpoint
understood. Try adding a route to the NAT Gateway to the route table of the private subnet that the ClientVPN endpoint is associated with.
By setting the route table of the private subnet to which the ClientVPN endpoint is linked as shown below, you will be able to access the public domain from NAT Gateway. https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/client-vpn-static-ip-address
Alternatively, I think it is possible to perform DNS name resolution by setting up a split tunnel. By setting up a split tunnel, you can access the public domain without going through Client VPN. In this case, make sure to only configure the VPC CIDR in the AWS Client VPN route table. However, when using split tunnels, please note that setting "" in the AWS Client VPN route table is not recommended. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/clientvpn-admin/split-tunnel-vpn.html
Yes my private subnet has already NAT gateway (inside public subnet + elastic IP)
With my VPN I can reach internet google.com etc.. but not my ec2 instance in public subnet.
This is very strange...
Or, can I connect if I link the AWS Client VPN endpoint to a public subnet and configure it to go directly to the Internet from the Internet gateway? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpn/latest/clientvpn-admin/scenario-internet.html
Currently my endpoint vpn are associated to private subnet..
Something strange, when I ping my domain (blabla.com) I don't have my dns A, i have something else, even for preprod.blabla.com I have host not found ...
Looks like DNS isn't resolving when I am using VPN