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How to move current s3 bucket object to glacier?


How to move current s3 bucket object to glacier? using CLI?

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Hi, @kelvin.

It's common to use lifecycles.
You can also change the storage class using the CLI.

The application timing of the life cycle is once a day, and the last update date of the object is checked.
If you just created the rule, try waiting until the next day.

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You can set lifecycle rules as explained here: https://catalog.workshops.aws/general-immersionday/en-US/basic-modules/60-s3/s3/6-s3

About your enquire on why existing object are not fetched, you should just wait as this is clearly supported as show in FAQs under "Q: How can I use Amazon S3 Lifecycle management to help lower my Amazon S3 storage costs?" question https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/

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