can't receive SES email verification.



as the title say, my domain is verified, but when i try to verify my mails "" everything is well, except the emails verification.

2 réponses

If you have a verified domain identity then you do not need to verify email address identities within the domain. Furthermore, you should not verify email address identities within a verified domain identity because: a) the more specific email address identity supersedes the domain identity when you send messages, and b) email address identities cannot be authenticated which can lead to deliverability issues. Once your domain identity is verified, you can send as any email address within the domain.

répondu il y a un an

Hello, following the thread, if I already configured SES with S3 Bucket rule set, and SNS with email verified already, and of course domain verified. What I'm doing wrong that when I'm trying to send and email to bounce back with this message?

DNS Error: DNS type 'mx' lookup of responded with code NOERROR DNS type 'mx' lookup of had no relevant answers. DNS type 'aaaa' lookup of responded with code NOERROR DNS type 'aaaa' lookup of had no relevant answers. DNS type 'a' lookup of responded with code NOERROR DNS type 'a' lookup of had no relevant answers.

I can tell you again that the domain has been verified and all DNS records are correct. Thank you in advanced. Best,

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