Can Textract extract Maps and images from PDFs?


Hi there, we have multiple projects where we need to extract the maps and images from PDFs. Is textract equipped with such functionalities? If yes, how to use them?

demandé il y a un an1 k vues
2 réponses
  1. Would you recommend any service in AWS which does that?
  2. Textract will be able to extract a table as it is right?
répondu il y a un an
    1. unfortunately, there is no recommendation. As an alternative question, I recommend describing what you would like to achieve and solicit ideas.

    2. textract does indeed recognize tables. It finds what it considers to be a table, predicts what the structure will be, and returns a tree structure. It does not extract the table as is.


The answer is "NO. Textract is a service that specializes in text extraction and does not perform image extraction.

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répondu il y a un an

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