Codecatalyst workflow manual approval action


One thing I can see people being interested in if they start to look at something like the examples posted where you can deploy to dev and then prod in the same workflows, is some option where you could look for a manual approval before moving from dev to prod.

Working with Enterprises, I often see these steps in other pipeline tools so that people involved in change management can approve changes before they're deployed to live.

And that leads onto a possible new role for colleagues in spaces/projects as an 'approver' ?

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demandé il y a 2 ans709 vues
5 réponses

+1 can we please get an update as to when this will be available?

this is definitely a show stopper for migrating to & productionalizing this product as currently we heavily depend on the APPROVAL STEP in AWS CodePipeline to block / hold and coordinate deployment into higher environments.

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  • This feature is currently on the roadmap to release in Q1 2024. Keep an eye on "What's New with AWS?" ( for feature announcements and updates.


Thank you for the feedback. Adding the ability to pause a workflow run to get manual approval to continue or reject the run is high on our roadmap. Is your expectation that the approvers are not set as part of the workflow configuration itself, but are defined elsewhere? And do you expect the approvers to be the same for any workflow in the project?

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répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Hi, we are using CodeCatalyst and also interested in having this feature. For the approvers, I think it's fine if we can have a configuration section to set them within the space or project as Simon mentioned below. How's the progress for this feature release since I saw the question is asked 5 months ago :D


Hi Ranjith, personally I'd hope that the approvers were set as roles within the space or project, similar to a space/project administrator or contributor.

For myself, the ideal functionality would be that you could set approvers at either the space or project level using the roles mentioned, then within the workflow action you might be able to specify mandatory or optional approvers from the list, or at a minimum be able to set a minimum required number of approvers.

Note that approvers in this sense are different to PR-approvers, as they wouldn't necessarily be interested in looking at the code, but more around test coverage/results, tickets associated with the project, or external documents i.e. a change management team.

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répondu il y a 2 ans

Hi, any issue tracker where we can track the feature release ?

répondu il y a 8 mois

Workflow approvals for Amazon CodeCatalyst have been released here the link to the release notes:

Workflow approvals for Amazon CodeCatalyst

Posted On: Apr 22, 2024

Today Amazon CodeCatalyst announces support for approval gates within a workflow. Workflows provide an automated procedure for building, testing, and deploying code as part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system. Approval gates pause the workflow run at the gate so that a user can validate whether it should be allowed to proceed.

Teams can use approvals to accommodate testing, security, or compliance processes. For example, a team might want to add an approval gate prior to deploying in production. This gives the ability to perform a final check before their deployment.

This feature is available in all Regions where CodeCatalyst is generally available. To get started, navigate to your workflow and add a gate. To learn more, see the Approvals section in the CodeCatalyst documentation.

répondu il y a 4 mois

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