Amazon Textract Billing


How do Textract service billed, is that per Job or per document, I'm confused if i will tag the job but it doesn't have ARN, or just tag the document we are analyzing and it will be billed based on the tag on the document?

demandé il y a 5 mois381 vues
1 réponse


This page will give you all details:

All the examples on this page will allow you to understand how it works with the combination of pages and API calls.



profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 5 mois
  • Thanks Didier, Now i understand that this is per page basis. How about i have two applications that uses the detect text each is in different environment, the problem is i want to split the bill durin query in cost explorer using tags how do i implement that? am i gonna tag the textract job or simple the document im trying to scan?

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