Configuring pip (pip.conf) in Prebuilt SageMaker Docker Images


I'm using Prebuilt SageMaker Docker Images for Training the ML models, the requirement for me is to update the pip.config file in the Docker image provided by Sagemaker and install the python packages via pip from custom artifactory. Is there any option to update/modify the pip.conf inside the pre-built Docker provided by Sagemaker to achieve the same?

1 réponse

Modifying the pip.config file within a SageMaker pre-built Docker image for dependency management isn't recommended. These images are designed for a specific environment and modifying them could lead to compatibility issues.

Here's a recommended approach to achieve your goal:

  1. Create a custom Docker image that inherits from the SageMaker base image.
  2. In your custom image, copy your pip.config file and set the PIP_CONFIG_FILE environment variable pointing to the copied file's location.
  3. Install your required Python packages using pip install within your custom image.
  4. Push the custom image to your container registry.
  5. Use this custom image for your SageMaker training jobs.
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