EC2 instance stuck in stopping state


This morning our instance become unreachable. We tried a reboot, but this did not fix. When we tried to stop the instance we are now stuck in the "Stopping" state. We have tried to "Force stop" the instance but it is still not working/in the "Stopping" state.

Can we please get someone to look it over and assist?

Instance ID: i-002e049393e50eae6

Thank you, Thomas

demandé il y a 3 ans383 vues
1 réponse

Hello Thomas, I can see the Instance is running healthy since 1 month ago. Are you still having the issue?

If yes, try stopping the Instance using the AWS CLI command below

aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids i-002e049393e50eae6

Note that you can use AWS CloudShell to run AWS CLI commands via the Console. See Working with AWS CloudShell

If the issue persists, reach out to AWS Premium Support

répondu il y a 2 ans

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