Is Code-Artifact scheduled 443-port-removal change delayed ?


We were expecting this change Code-Artifact-Operational-Change to take effect as of March 27, 2023. However, it seems like it's not there yet. Any idea why it didn't happen on the scheduled date?

If i understood correctly, The summary of this change was that, CodeArtifact will no longer return the 443 port on the generated urls in the package-lock/yarn.lock files. However, in my case it seems like CodeArtifact is still returning the urls with 443 port appended.

  • Tried cleaning my npm/yarn cache.
  • Tried deleting the entire lock file and re-generated it again.

Is there something we have to do on our end for this change to take effect?

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This change has not yet been enabled in all regions. It is currently enabled in:

  • ap-south-1
  • ap-southeast-1
  • ap-southeast-2
  • ap-northeast-1
  • eu-west-3
  • eu-south-1
  • eu-central-1

Additional regions will be enabled this week. You do not need to take any action for this to occur.

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