I am implementing an FPGA IP connected to the AWS shell through AXI interface. The IP performs :
loading data from DDRA,
calculation on these data
storing the result in DDRB
The IP integrates the following AXI interfaces :
- S00 : Full AXI , Write access to DDRA to transfer data from host application
- M00 : Full AXI , Read access to DDRA for loading data to be computed
- S01 : Lite AXI for configuration and debug
- M02 : Full AXI , Write access to DDRB for storing partial results
- S02 : Full AXI , Read access to DDRB to transfer data to host application
The computing part initiates accesses to DDR : 2 x 2 beats of 512 data bit, for a basic version
The FPGA design is based on the IPI CDMA Test Example. Test are performed with C file provided with the HDK on F1 instance
Data are transfered from host to DDRA correctly. I have implemented registers in the kernel to check the reading access from DDRA
The problem is on reading results from DDRB. DDRB data are set to 0. I checked that data are correctly read by replacing DDRB data by constant data. -> OK
I have to run simulation to check axi_awvalid, axi_awready, axi_wvalid, axi_wready and axi_wlast . But when I try it I get the following error message :
"ERROR: [VRFC 10-449] cannot open file "/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.2/data/xsim/ip/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5/blk_mem_gen_v8_4_5_synth_comp.vdb" for writing"
Can you tell me how to fix this issue?
Best Regards