Debian buster : EE certificate key too weak


I tested yesterday the Debian Buster 10 with a connection to DocumentDB with pymongo (python3).

I got an error with openssl that failled any connection to DocumentDB :

pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: EE certificate key too weak (_ssl.c:1076)

openssl version 1.1.1

Do you know if the certificate will be updated or if it requires to configure openssl to not get this exception?


posta 5 anni fa1231 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

We are in the process of upgrading our root certificate. In the meantime, depending on your requirements, an additional option is to modify (/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf) from “CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2” to “CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=1”

con risposta 5 anni fa

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