403 in CloudFront when using CNAME from customer domain.


I have a client subdomain for example shop.bobstools.com a subdomain a client manages in their DNS that is a CNAME to my.domain.com which is a CNAME to the CloudFront URL. When I access my.domain.com I get my webpage but when I access via a client's subdomain I am met with 403? How can I stop this? Is CloudFront even the right solution?

1 Risposta

Have you added the "client subdomain" as an alternate domain name in your CloudFront distribution? This is required, as is an SSL certificate for the "client subdomain" if you plan to support HTTPS traffic.

con risposta un anno fa
  • We don't control the clients sub domain and SSL cert so CloudFront will not allow us to add the name to our CDN

  • Then this is the expected behavior. If you do not own the domain, cannot make changes to DNS, and do not have the SSL certificate and private key, you cannot serve traffic for it!

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