Sudden addition of VPC charges on EC2 bills


Why did I get new charges on my t3.micro instance? I noticed my EC2 billing got VPC charges since Feb which was new, I did not see VPC charges before. The instance is t3.micro and I use it to host my simple website with just a few pages. I have not touched it for a long time, not made any changes to the instance nor to my account. The additional charge of VPC was about 30% increase from previous months' cost that did not have VPC charge.

posta 2 mesi fa118 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Its very likely that if you drill down in the Billing section of AWS Console, you will see that these new charges are for an IPv4 address on your EC2 instance.

AWS started charging in February 2024

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con risposta 2 mesi fa
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verificato 2 mesi fa

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