S3 Bucket Real Time Notification when someone upload the file in S3 Bucket


Hi... There

Hope you all are doing well

For the past few days, I'm dealing with the S3 Bucket Aws Console.

In my application, I need a Real-time Notification when any file is uploaded to my S3 Bucket.

For the Notification Logs, On the AWS side, I have Create one Lambda Function and Event for the S3 Bucket Notifications.

So my concern is How can I check my lambda function logs in callback using Node.js.

All suggestions & comments are well-come


Aatif Jariwala

1 Risposta


Every lambda has a log group called /aws/lambda/[lambda name], were you will find the logs.

Hope it helps!


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con risposta 2 anni fa
profile pictureAWS
verificato 2 anni fa
  • Also ensure that the Lambda function Execution Role has access to log to CloudWatch! Specifically "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"

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