AWS Workspaces desktop with Windows 11


When is Windows 11 expected to be offered as a AWS Workspaces bundle? Currently the bundles offered are limited to Windows 10 with Office 2010 through 2019.

posta 3 anni fa7448 visualizzazioni
3 Risposte

As of this writing, Amazon WorkSpaces default bundles supports Windows 10 desktop experience powered by Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019.

If your organization is eligible to bring its own Windows Desktop licenses (BYOL), you can run the Windows 10 Enterprise operating system on your Amazon WorkSpaces. You will need to meet requirements for BYOL to run in this mode. The only Windows versions supported for BYOL are specific version of Windows 10 listed here.

Windows 11 versions are not supported for BYOL at this time. There are currently no published timeline for the support of Windows 11 Amazon WorkSpaces. AWS is constantly adding new capabilities so you can leverage the latest technologies and also looking at specific customer product feature enhancement requests.

Could you share what are the specific use cases and requirements you have for Amazon WorkSpaces with Windows 11? I would encourage you to contact your AWS representative for your organization for more specific discussions around your business needs for the new version. Thanks

profile pictureAWS
con risposta 3 anni fa
  • Thanks, can you advise when Windows 10 22h2 will be supported. I need to plan in place upgrades for current 20h2 workspaces which has End of Life May 2023


When should be available Windows 11 on AWS Worksapce not available on bundle we are on 2024

con risposta 10 mesi fa

Hi, please see this recent announcement re Bring Your Own License (BYOL) for Windows 11 on Amazon WorkSpaces

Thank you!

con risposta 2 anni fa

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