Job aid to create a model monitoring job


I am trying to create a model monitoring job. I searched up my model in Model governing dashboard and have started creating model monitor but running in to an exception after having completed all 4 tabs and submitting it! I do not want to create this model monitoring via console and typically I will use a more streamlined approach but at this time I am only experimenting and creating model monitoring job. It fails with the following message ..

  1. What are the two fields after the below prompt expect?

"Capture content type - optional

Amazon SageMaker will use CSV or Json encoding while the payload is captured to the capture files."

ERROR : 2 validation errors detected: Value '["test"]' at 'dataCaptureConfig.captureContentTypeHeader.jsonContentTypes' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy constraint: [Member must have length less than or equal to 256, Member must have length greater than or equal to 1, Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^a-zA-Z0-9/a-zA-Z0-9]; Value '["test"]' at 'dataCaptureConfig.captureContentTypeHeader.csvContentTypes' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy constraint: [Member must have length less than or equal to 256, Member must have length greater than or equal to 1, Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: ^a-zA-Z0-9/a-zA-Z0-9]

  1. Is there a job aid to create this model monitoring job via console?
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Here is the documentation for model monitor -

The docs and examples to create a model monitoring job through the SDK is here -

The capture content type API is also optional - so you should be able to create it on the console without specifying values. The values are either text/json or text/csv; and application/json depending on the inputs. You can leave it blank and it will be automatically picked up based on your endpoint.

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