AWS Activate - Business Support credits


I have some AWS Activate - Business Support credits that will expire by EoY. So far I have only used it for getting AWS Support help. Any other ideas how to use it?
Thanks in advance for any response

posta 10 mesi fa363 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte


You can use your AWS Activate credits for AWS services and support from infrastructure technologies like compute, storage, and databases–to emerging technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, data lakes and analytics, and Internet of Things

Refer "What can I use AWS Activate credits for?" in the following FAQ page for more information

If you have any queries related to AWS Activate, contact us using the following form.

Thank you for your interest in re:Post community. Best Regards, Ashish

con risposta 10 mesi fa

Thanks for quick response @Ashish That's not the type of credits I am asking about. There are currently two amounts of credits in my account as shown in attached. All the usage of compute and other resources have gone against credit #1, which I understand. Credit #2, "AWS Activate - Business Support" doesn't seem to be used except for a Support inquiry I filed a couple of months ago.
My question is what other ways can credit #2 be used besides Support? Enter image description here

con risposta 10 mesi fa

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