Blue/Green deployment on AWS ECS with RDS, and rollback


In theory, blue/green deployment method allows easy rollback. As usual, things are more complicated in practice, especially due to DB migrations. I reviewed the recently announced RDS blue/green deployment. And, as far as I understand, it's not exactly usable for my software deployment, it's more about DB engine upgrades, DB parameters customization, and so on. Why? Mostly because of two things:

  1. No rollback - DB replication is one-way - from the current to the new DB environment
  2. No coordination with ECS deploy - ideally I'd like my green ECS instances to use a green DB environment.

Am I right or I'm missed something - and there is a simple way to use ECS and RDS backend for testing new application versions?

Thanks, Vitaly

1 Risposta

It is best to have a static point for updates that affect the database.
Then you can restore the RDS from the snapshot and test it from a green environment with different settings and different versions.
Updating the database with application updates without providing a static point is very risky.

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