Adding SSL to Lightsail Plesk Instance website?


In Lightsail I create a Linux/Unix + Plesk Hosting Stack on Ubuntu Instance. The domain name I used ( is registered with eNom. I added the Nameservers that point to the instance at eNom. I created the StaticIP for the Instance I created a site using Plesk (

I can't get the SSL to work for the webmail or mail. It does work for just the ( not the www. and I can't use a Wildcard either.

I added the subdomains to the Lightsail DNS to see if that would work, it doesn't.

What else can I try?

posta un anno fa510 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Have you followed the steps in Pointing your domains to your Amazon Lightsail distributions

You need to add an alias record for your domain

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con risposta un anno fa

I did finally find that alternative and it works better than the Nameserver solution suggested.

I also discovered that there is no need to attach a domain to an instance if you are using Plesk. I believe anyway.

Thanks for the response.

con risposta un anno fa

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