It will not launch. Many errors


Depending on how I launch Lumberyard I will get different failure results. One that just crashes the program. The other that crashes the computer. I will post specs after the pictures.

If I launch from the Assistant:

I get probably 25 or 30 of these.


After many additional errors it ends with this one below.


(Above) I assumed based on my install the correct path is


However I believe I found them in a temp file folder and have attatched them.

4479-log.txt|attachment (6.48 KB)log.txt and 4480-rc-createdfiles.txt|attachment (595 Bytes)rc-createdfiles.txt

(Below) If I check the advanced settings of my project I see this Error:


(side note: please support menu resizing for 4k systems)

Next screen is this


If I attempt to start from the Lumberyard editor I get the blue screen of death with any number of errors:


one other code it can return is. system_thread_exception_not_handled Another involved power to a driver.

The results are the same weather I launch a template or custom project.

I see two things in those pictures.

  1. For some reason it appears that Lumberyard is looking for assets in the "D" drive, something I do not have. And it is attempting to name it with the two digit name that is a known bug.

  2. I am suffering from the same asset manager issue many others are.

Is there any direction I can be given here? I checked the forum for resolutions but I did not see anything that fits or has worked.

About my system

Gigabyte X99m Gaming 5 mother board F22 Bios I7-6950X 3.0ghz unmolested. Two Titan X Pascal cards on SLI 65 gig memory

I also have another system I am attempting to install on and I get the same issues.

Here are the specs on that one.

Predator G3-605 Mother board P11-C0 Bios I7-4770 3.40GHz unmolested NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 (192-bit OEM card not the "good one".) 12Gig mem

This is an image of the Assistant to show it appears ready to launch.


posta 7 anni fa178 visualizzazioni
13 Risposte
Risposta accettata

I SORTED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! and this may help others with similar issues.

OK If you have an issue like mine you will need to follow these instructions in this order.

  1. Uninstall Lumberyard.

  2. Go to the C: drive and delete the Amazon folder.

  3. Go to the registry location and delete the entire Amazon entry at \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Amazon. Not just the lumberyard entry folder.

  4. In the start menu right click on one of the dead shortcuts. select "more" then select "Open File Location." Go up one folder and delete the entire start menu Lumberyard folder. (very Important)

  5. Go to your user folder (where the pics, videos, documents folders are.) and look for the folder

LyMetricsCache. If it is still there. DELETE IT! as well as any Lumberyard files that are still lingering such as lumberyard_editor_stylesheet.qss and lumberyard_stylesheet.qss

  1. Empty trash!

  2. Restart!

  3. Download and install Lumberyard again and do not choose the customer option.

When it asks you if you want to start it choose YES!. once it has completed asks you if you want open a level or create one you can do what ever you want at that point!


Every step is important. If you do not delete something then Lumberyard will not over write the old file and it will fail!

con risposta 7 anni fa


I've created a ticket to have a tech take a look at this.

You can try this:

The current work around is to end the asset processor task, go into your LY dev folder, then into the primary Visual Studio associated Bin64vc... folder and run AssetProcessorBatch.exe. Once the process within the AssetProcessor window is complete, go ahead and try the Editor.exe again and see if it works.

con risposta 7 anni fa


Can you please include the logs under Bin64vc140\Logs folder? Also if possible if you can include the assetdb.sqllite file located in the dev\Cache{ProjectName} folder?

Thank you!

con risposta 7 anni fa

There are two folders that start with that name. Bin64vc120 and Bin64vc140 I ran the ssetProcessorBatch.exe in the vc120 folder and received the same string of errors. It did not complete so running the editor.exe was not done. When I ran the one in the Bin64vc140 folder and it produced the "system_thread_exception_not_handled" Blue screen of death and restarted the computer.

con risposta 7 anni fa
0|attachment (1.06 MB)

Here are the logs. I have zipped all files into one. A little explanation.

I have included both the sample project and starter game .sqlite files. I have not been able to get to the point of creating my own.

I included all folder and files under the location


con risposta 7 anni fa

I think I need to include another explanation here. I did have a new project named IRI. However I uninstalled everything and installed the new 1.9.1 hoping to get a better result. However to my dismay it was the same result. So I have not gone as far as creating another one.

con risposta 7 anni fa

Am I becoming obsessed? lol

OK so I am still playing with it. I started using Microsoft Visual Studio to attempt some debugging. What I have noticed is that when I launch from the Lumberyard editor on the desktop it actually ends up attempting to find the AssetProcessor.pdb in the Bin64vc120 folder and if I am not mistaken it should be in the Bin64vc140 folder. Also That .pdb does not exist in either. I also launched the asset processor in the Bin64vc140 directly and got the same error and same debug info accept this time it did in fact look in the correct folder.

furthermore: ready for this? I can now get the FeatureTests and MultiplayerSample to launch and run. But nothing else.

con risposta 7 anni fa

Any new thoughts?

con risposta 7 anni fa

I still say the thing is looking for the database in d:\ly\workspace\PKG_v1_9.........

Probably from the Dev that compiled the thing working from the D drive. And then not giving it a variable to look in the correct directory.

con risposta 7 anni fa


con risposta 7 anni fa

could this be the code causing the problem? The very last line? (from the setup assistant batch file)

SET launchOverrideCommand=%1 SET launchOverrideValue=%2

REM Locate the first available MSVC Built Setup and binary folder

SET workingDir=".\dev\Tools\LmbrSetup\Win"

IF NOT "%1"=="" ( IF "%1"=="-workingDir" ( SET workingDir=%2 ) )

REM Some tooling, like the installer, may pass in extra slashes. SET workingDirStrippedBack=%workingDir:\=% SET workingDirStripped=%workingDirStrippedBack://=/% start /d %workingDirStripped% SetupAssistant.exe

con risposta 7 anni fa


con risposta 7 anni fa

Wow, that's not a very good user experience. I've added these steps to the ticket to get this addressed. Sorry you had such an issue. Thank you for sharing your resolution steps with us.

con risposta 7 anni fa

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